Share Sub Accounts

Special Club Accounts

  • Special Clubs are interest-bearing accounts.
  • Save Funds for any special event or occasion that comes your way.

Christmas Club

  • Tired of penny pinching during the holidays? Open up a Chiphone interest bearing Christmas Club account today and save throughout the year.
  • Christmas Clubs are locked from January 1st to October 1st, with a $10.00 early withdraw penalty. After October 1st, funds are transferred into members savings.

Vacation Club

  • Vacations and getaways can be expensive. Open an additional savings account strictly for vacations and relaxation!
  • The Vacation Club is an Interest-bearing account.

Money Mover Club

  • non-interest bearing
  • Unlimited transfers in and out of this account with no limitations or fees involved with the Federal REG D limit


Login to your Online Banking to open one now through Its Me 24/7

No minimum balance required
Dividends compounded daily and credited monthly, no dividends paid on balances under $500
If fees apply they may reduce earnings